All good things come to an end. Enjoy life while it lasts.

For thinking person, life needs meaning. How do we find that meaning. We look to things we do and to people, places and things we know. We also consider what we want to live for. It may be anything, but as we get older, there is less and less that we can do, and while places and things may remain as they were before, people die or go away.

Living creatures do fear death. Maybe other animals do not have the capacity to conceptualize death the way humans can, but they still fear predators that can kill them. Other animals may not understand that merely living a long time will kill them, but humans do. So what do we do with this fear? Mostly we put it off or avoid thinking about it. People also find belief in elaborate supernatural schemes whereby they postulate something about their consciousness surviving the body dying.

I am not sure why they fan their fears so much to be able to contemplate these fanciful post mortum expectations all the time. If these beliefs comfort them, then shouldn't that be all that is necessary, but they make themselves fear death so much that they have to torture themselves about their salvation from it, and they have to harass those who don't believe as they do.

I think there is a lot more to life than fear of it ending and hope in an afterlife we have to spend our whole natural life pursuing that we won't know exists until we die. I don't want to get to the end of my life and wonder if it were worth it. I want to live the good life I know even with the knowledge it will end.


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